Saturday, December 10, 2011
Our Revolution ?
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Is facebook a medium or is it content ?
The example McLuhan gives is that the content of the printed word is the written word, the content of the written word is speech, and the content of speech is thought.
So... what is facebook ? Medium or content ?
I came up with this so far: the content of the web is the internet, and the content of the internet is the written word and perhaps electronic communication along the lines of the telegraph.
So is facebook 'content' on the web, or is a new medium itself that contains the web ?
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Government Complexity
"Maybe we need a new level of public stakeholder to deal with these problems. Civic volunteers who vote consistently, who are charged with informing themselves in detail about the activities of government - and by extension of business. "
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Is Open Gov Dying ?
Distressing news about Open Gov stalling in the UK and US.
"The United States initiative,, set off with similar goals to those outlined by George Osborne today, but has now hit a few roadbumps.
Last month, its funding was slashed as part of the budget settlement between the White House and the House of Representatives, and its very survival appears to be under threat.
Even worse, the traffic figures appear to show that the US government's data transparency sites have failed to attract much interest from citizens - although the data community loves them."Monday, January 31, 2011
Open GOV in Canada, thanks to Canadian Civil Servants themselves ?

Canadians continue to allow their institutions to operate above public scrutiny, even in this age of open data. Despite this new ray of hope, it seems to be commonly admitted now that Canadians are lagging behind.
From the Winnipeg Free Press:
OTTAWA - Civil servants are forging ahead with an open-data strategy for the federal government while politicians drag their heels on a formal policy.
A parliamentary committee has been studying the issue since last April and resumes debate this week, but documents obtained under Access to Information show that bureaucrats started drafting a plan in July.
Unlike the United States and Britain, Canada has no formal federal policy of making raw, taxpayer-funded data freely available to the public.
Civil servants have realized that needs to change.
At the July meeting to kick off the strategy, they drafted a five-point plan.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Interactive Media Elitism
Douglas Rushkoff says:
Projects like Wikipedia do not overthrow any elite at all, but merely replace one elite — in this case an academic one — with another: the interactive media elite...Because our media IS interactive, our individual points-of-view can be collected and directed back at the mass media organs too - to meet them head-on and evoke a response.
I suggest that we start to do this first with our institutions: draw ourselves towards our government services first, to tie them closer to our community as we move forwards in this era of chaotic change.