Saturday, December 14, 2019

Human-Caused Climate Change - Hardner's Simple Rationale

I believe Climate Change is caused by humans because of four points:

1) CO2 can be shown to cause warming via the greenhouse effect in lab experiments:

2) Humans are producing record amounts of CO2 today: 

3) The CO2 level in the atmosphere correlates with recent temperature rise:

4) No scientist has published an alternative explanation for warming that has been accepted by more than a few other scientists.

Note that the question of how to respond to Climate Change is entirely separate from the question of whether it is real and caused by humans. 


  1. Clear scientific facts refuting your opinions and science’.

  2. Please refute my points with something published by a climate scientist. A video of someone testifying at a political event isn't enough. I have seen this old video and debunked it in the past.

  3. 1. CO2 provides about 1 degree Celsius of warming per doubling of CO2 in a controlled environment. The natural world is not a controlled environment. And 1 degree per doubling is not enough to provide the sort of warming Catrastophists forecast.

    2. We are living through a time of relative CO2 starvation compared to much longer geological periods many of which had life that thrived. During the brief time man has been around we have been in a period of CO2 starvation. C02 has been as low as 180 parts per million during the period of man. If it falls below 150 parts per million all life on earth dies.

    3. Warming happens before CO2 rise. Not the other way around. So what causes which?

    4. The argument has never been that greenhouse gases don't influence climate. The argument asks how much. Does it overwhelm other factors - Solar, Oceans, Clouds, Orbit cycles, even Cosmic Rays, magnetic fields, wind and other smaller influences.

    There is also argument about how much influence humans add. Even by all you've mentioned known science doesn't show there is enough CO2 accessible to humans to produce the kind of catastrophes the influences of the anthropogenic climate catastrophe theory projects. To get there they have to fantasize another theory saying water vapour will become a much more potent greenhouse gas as it is warmed by the supposed hyper warmed air of human influenced CO2 additions.

    This is all basic stuff. No, I won't look it up for you. If you want to present yourself as an expert you should know it.

    1. 1. I agree that the natural world is not a controlled environment. Until we make one, our best thinking will have to do. Also, I agree "Catrastophists" should not be heeded.

      2. Sure... but we also had higher temperatures in those periods right ? To say we have relatively low CO2 levels now leaves out the point that temperatures are going up.

      3. There's a two-way relationship which is pretty well understood.

      4. Yes it overwhelms other factors and this is very well understood. Given that the correlation between CO2 and temperature is so strong, why are you even looking elsewhere. Did you read what I wrote above ?

      You don't have to look everything up for me. I'm not an expert but I have read the science. Everything is in my post above:

      1. Temperature is going up
      2. We know CO2 increases can increase temperature
      3. CO2 is going up correlated to #1.

      Pretty clear what is going on. If you want to look to "solar, oceans, clouds" then ... why ? Has anyone published evidence that comes close to the mountains of evidence that puts the cause on CO2 ?

    2. Without CO2, this planet would not have retained enough solar infrared radiation to support life for billions of years. At the historical concentrations (250-300ppm), CO2 absorbed outbound IR from the planet and reradiated significant amounts back to the planet. Our current problem relates to the increasing concentration (now well over 410ppm) that is slowly raising the temperature of the whole planet. An inventory of the increased carbon on the planet would permit a comparison with the carbon contributed by fossil fuel use since the invention of the steam engine.

  4. That old video is from testimony before the Washington State Senate Committee on Energy, Telecommunications and Moonshine Consumption. These people are nobodies who will be snapped into line if they offend important people at Microsoft and Boeing. Beyond that, who cares?
